Light Dove Ministries (LDM) is a self-supporting ministry founded in the Private domain. LDM is an accredited 508 c1a nonprofit ministry. We provide trusted and credible resources for our members to explore. As a member, you will have access to all manner of instruction, Natural Health associated services, information, counsel, advice, and support congruent with LDM’s religious and spiritual freedoms. These freedoms are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, the constitutions of the individual states of the union, and the laws of the United States. To conduct all manner of ministry and business within the private domain as seen fit by the Association founders and trustees.
Light Dove Ministries is organized in part for worship and educational, spiritual, and benevolent purposes and is established under the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Bylaws and Ecclesiastical Law. For furthering the upliftment and enlightenment of all people throughout the World and for the betterment of life on Earth. The formation of the offices of Trustees and Directors does not incorporate the spiritual society and must always remain unincorporated.
Lighthouses serve as a beacon of light in the darkness. Doves represent the peace of the Holy Spirit. Light Dove Ministries will always serve as a light to the community and a ministry devoted to peace and healing of the mind, body, and soul under the omniscient guidance of the Holy Spirit. May Dana Serafini always be remembered, and may Christ be honored by every action performed by Light Dove Ministries.
Light Dove Ministries was founded by Andrew and Rene Serafini and was formed to bring change. LDM’s qualified health professionals, researchers, and scientists are led by Light Dove Ministries Health Minister, Dr. Judy A. Mikovits.
The current western medicine and healthcare system is riddled with corruption and massive conflicts of interest including economic incentives to prescribe dangerous therapies that have been shown to harm. Profit has taken priority above patient care, and Light Dove Ministries serves to place its members back at the center of the healthcare continuum.
Light Dove Ministries is to be in the world, but not of the world, and to act in accordance with Nature and Nature’s God, the Creator, and serve as Godly stewards with the dominion over all earthly things as commanded by our Creator.
‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.’
Jeremiah 33:6
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